

Flowers of the Week: 10.24.11

Happy Monday lovelies ;-)  Did you have a wonderfully sweet weekend?  Do anything fabulously fun?  Me - well, I pinned all weekend.  No, seriously...pretty much all weekend long.  I love that I could stay in bed with my iPad and pin away the day...HA!  It's a perfect thing to do when you're not feeling well...just look at pretty pictures and pin the ones you like - easy peasy...and that's a good thing because that's about all I could handle all weekend!

However, I did rally up some energy and attend a lunch, and visited with friends and family on Saturday for a couple hours...but other than that I did not do too much, or leave the house all weekend...which is sooo NOT me!  But I just haven't been feeling 100% ;-(  Headaches and a fever = no fun.  And I see a doctor visit coming soon if things don't straighten up around here.  Granted, I don't feel awful and miserable - just not very good, and my normal full of energy self.  I am hoping that all changes this week, and whatever I have will just go away...I wonder if that's wishful thinking?!?!

So I really am in need of some beautiful flowers to brighten up my Monday.  And I think this bouquet will definitely doing the trick...
Flowers of the Week
All wrapped up pretty and ready to go.  Hmm, I don't mind if I do ;-)

Here's to a great week (sick or not, dang it) here at LCW!  I'll be back soon with my second post.  Until then - enjoy the flowers...hehe.

~ Ciao

...image via ruffled

1 comment:

  1. Oh no hope you feel better soon my friend!! Rest up!

    Pinterest can be so addictive it's scary! gorgeous bouquet!
