Hi loves, happy Tuesday! Or should I say happy first Tuesday in September?
Just so you know - I am kinda giddy about today's 'Tuesday Thought' post ;-) I know that some of my thoughts have been "out there," and this is definitely one that will fall into that category, I'm sure. But I am going to post it anyway, and let you decide for yourselves what you think about my thought.
So here goes - you ready? Let's have a look-see at my inspiration...
I stumbled across these darling handcrafted bean bags on a blog called Fanciful No. 2, and I just fell in love with the colors and thought there would be some way other than their original purpose in which to use. So while I was sitting there, leaning back in my chair and racking my brain, I kept handing off my pen from one hand to the other...not quite tossing, but I'm sure you get the picture. Then it struck me - I need one of these in my office! And with that, this 'Tuesday Thought' was created.
So here is your thought for today: Why not handcraft bean bags (or have someone else do them...me, me, me), and give them out as favors at your wedding? Hang with me loves for just a second longer. I know the thought initially sounds a bit outside of the box, off the wall, downright weird, or whatever else you want to call it but...BUT, hear me out on this one before you immediately say "No way, Jose!" Poor Jose, never gets a chance ;-)
First, who doesn't love a cute bean bag? And on days where you need a break from office work, just set up a mug or bowl and start-a-tossing...great distraction and stress reliever, right? Second, most people like to toss ideas around...so why not toss this when doing so...hey something similar helped me come up with this idea ;-). Third, they sure would make cute paperweights! Fourth, a quick game of hot potato? Fifth, you could always play a quick friendly game of catch with your cubemate...notice I did not say throw it at the back of their heads just for sh*t's and giggles! And finally, just because they are fun, fun, fun! Plus, I would use mine to stick extra pins, that for some reason are always laying around, in...or buttons and such.
All you need is some material, sewing machine and some beans. Of course, I would make some manly looking ones for the guys too. And, I would create a cute little card that goes along with them with all the lovely toughts and suggestions for your guests in which to use ;-) Oh, and I know if I was ever to get a favor like this...I would be tossing it around on the car ride home. Well, that is if I wasn't driving of course!
So loves, why don't you TOSS some ideas around and see what else you could come up with! Anyone up for a game of catch...
~ Ciao
...image via fanciful no. 2
Lovely bean bags and good one for modern furniture.