

Flowers of the Week: 9.12.11

Good Monday morning loves!  So tell me - did you have a lovely weekend?  Do anything fun and exciting? 

I can honestly say that I am so HAPPY that it's Monday!  My weekend started off on the wrong foot on Friday, and continued to spiral fast and furiously out of control with the clicher, and I do me CLINCHER, happening Sunday evening.  I guess deep down I knew the clincher was going to happen sooner or later...I just wasn't quite ready for it this weekend on top of eveything else.  Aye, aye, aye is all I can say.  I won't even go into the details, but I will tell you that I SO need these gorgeously dreamy flowers this morning to start my Monday, and my week, off on the right foot...
Flowers of the Week
Yes, this bouquet will most defintely do ;-)  I know not all weekends, or weeks for that matter, can be good ones.  It's weekends like this that ALWAYS make me really appreciate all the wonderful weekends I do have. 

Here's wishing you, and me, a lovely week my dears!  Let's make it a good one, shall we?

~ Ciao

...image via style me pretty

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