Rise and shine my dears! Grab a cuppa something if you need to, sit back and enjoy. Because I am ready to start out this morning with some fabulousness! Are you ready? I know it's been a bit since my last Aisle Style post, so I thought it was time that I did another one ;-) And oh did I find one for you. Have a look-see at this...
I am L-O-V-I-N-G that runner! Seriously, I need to find one for Over The Moon. I think this is an amazing detail to add to an outdoor aisle, as it gives the whole setup a homey feel. And not only that, but the decorated boxes filled with umbrellas, the pillows and scarves are pretty darn fabulous too...
It's details like these that make guest feel warm, welcome and cozy, and want to sit down and stay a while. And not only do we have a fabulous inner aisle style, we have a fabulous outer aisle style as well...
Definitely an area that is often times forgotten about! So my dears, make sure you pay attention to not only the inner aisle style, but the outer aisle style as well. And all this fabulousness leads up to the finale - this chuppah filled with blooming branches...
The perfect spot to end up, no? Happy Wednesday loves! Hope you enjoyed this early morning fabulousness ;-) I have more coming soon.
~ Ciao
...photography by jose villa via style me pretty
perfect outdoor ceremony look. the pews are my absolute faves!