

Inspired By: Rainer Cherries

There is no cherry prettier and sweeter than the Rainer!  It is said that: "growing these cherries is like playing poker with God."  I guess that explains why they are kind of expensive ;-) 

Rainers make a brief appearance in June and July, and are definitely something I look forward to every Summer.  However, once you've had Rainers it's hard to have anything else.  To me, they are definitely inspiring!  Have a look-see at the lovely Rainers...
Inspired By
Pretty, no?  And the blue plate below adds just the perfect amount of contrast, to make the prettiest palette!  Wonder if this dessert table was inspired by them...
Mexican inspired cake table
Again, it's not just the color, but the feel here - summery, light, pretty and sweet - both the Rainer cherries and the dessert table!  Don't you just love how inspiration can come from anywhere - a chevron floor, chippy pink paint, an embroidered book cover and Rainer cherries are all perfect examples of just that!

~ Ciao

...images via cannelle et vanille & cake ink events

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