

Who Says can't have an omelet bar at your wedding?
Who Says
I am love, love, loving this idea my dears!  And it's perfect for a mid-morning reception. 

My omelet bar would most definitely include all that's on the list fresh salsa, cilantro and chorizo with homestyle fries on the side!  What would your omelet bar include?

~ Ciao by jill thomas


  1. I love the idea of a brunch wedding! My hubs and I are brunch whores - omelets, bloody mary's and mimosas - yes, please!

  2. wouldnt have thought of it but thats a fantastic idea! Agree with @Bridalhood : who doesnt love brunch!!

  3. Pretty sure you should come visit me in Sedona. The in-laws have a breakfast restaurant that includes the most amazing chorizo of all time. Now all I want is am omelet!

  4. Such a great idea for a brunch wedding/shower. I grew up eating portuguese chourico in my omelets and till this day its still my favorite way to eat eggs.

  5. I don't eat eggs, but that doesn't mean I don't think this is a darling idea! It looks so cute & it's a great twist on the usual reception!

  6. This is really a greaty idea!! And Chris.. I'm with you on the omolets with chouriço!!! ;))))))

  7. I LOVE this, but since I'm a total sucker for brunches and brunch weddings, there's no surprise there! John and I make a pretty classic Spanish tortilla with potatoes, onion and peppers, plus chorizo or andouille sausage-yum!

  8. Fabulous idea! There's something so cozy about a brunch reception, don't you think? Country sausages with my omelet, please!

  9. I know right... isn't this a cool idea!! Brunch/Breakfast is my favourite meal!!

  10. Such a delicious idea and so prettily accomplished!
