

Tuesday Thought: Bakers Twine & Shears

I am over the moon about these shears and spools I spotted on Design Love Fest...
Tuesday Thought
So darling, no?  And while these were included in goodie bags at Blogshop hosted by Bri of Design Love Fest, I couldn't help but think they would be perfect for a bridal shower.

So here is your Tuesday Thought:  Use these shears and spools as not only favors, but attach a little flag that has your guests name and table number they are to sit at!  I am over the moon about this idea.  Really, you can play off the bakers twine and pretty shears to really create a darling shower.  And while there was no reference as to where the shears or spools of bakers twine were from...I figured I knew just the places to look to find them.  And find them I did!

These Okubo Shears are the exact shears above...well I'm almost positive they are! 
Tuesday Thought
These darling shears are just 7 inches in length, slice through small twigs and all types of flower stems and are $38 a pair.  Something we all need, right?  And the bakers twine, well I went to my favorite Etsy shop for this, Inspire Lovely.
Tuesday Thought
I found 50 yards of soft green and white bakers twine hand wound on a wooden spool for $7 each.  And of course, there are other colors available.  So for $45 you have a wonderful favor idea.  Granted, this is an expensive favor idea, but I still love it.  Yet, if this is out of your budget, I am sure you could find less expensive shears to use instead.  Also, another option would be to use it for bridesmaids gifts.  Just a thought ;-)

~ Ciao

...images via design love fest, shop terrain, and inspire lovely (edited)


  1. adorable! this would be perfect for a flower arranging class or something like that too, no? at least...i would TAKE a flower arranging class if i got one of these beauts.

  2. adorable...I like Lizzie's idea maybe a bridal shower/flower arranging class.

  3. How darling! I agree, I think Lizzie's on to something up there!

  4. Genius... Such a great inspiration!

  5. Lovely! Design Love Fest always has such sweet ideas!

  6. Love this idea! Thanks for sharing where the twine is from!

  7. this is such fun, inspired little idea!
