

Tuesday Thought: Quilt Squares

Eek - I am running behind, so please forgive me!  However, today's Tuesday Thought has been one that I have been sitting on for quite some time - and I am in L-O-V-E with!  I was hoping to get the opportunity to actually act on this thought, but the way things are going, it just doesn't look like I will have the time in the next month so I am just going to share it with you anyway.

So here is your Tuesday Thought:  use quilt squares as your escort cards!  It's a spin on the quilt square idea that has been used at bridal showers in the past.  Here is an example of a quilt (I know you guys know what one looks like, but I like the setup of this one)...
Tuesday Thought
I would be sure to use the same number of different patterns as you have as tables.  So let's say we have 14 tables (long ones), then you would have 14 different patterns - one for each table. I like the way the squares are setup above.  Each square has a triangle of white and a triangle of a pattern.  Just write, or sew if you are so inclined, each guests name onto the white triangle.  No table number is needed, as the pattern will represent their table.

Now you could do this a couple of different ways.  My first thought was to hang each individual square with a clothespin on twine/yarn/ribbon.  This way your guests can find their name, and using the pattern on their square, find their table.  And how cute would it be to make napkins in the pattern that represents the table?  LOVE the idea.  I like this idea best, as you can then have your guests add a note on the square!

My second thought is set it up just like it is above - with all the squares attached together.  This way your guests can find their name, remember their pattern (hopefully...if not they can come back and look again) and you won't have to worry about collecting the squares at the end of the night.

At the end of the wedding, make sure to have all your guests leave their squares (in a designated area, if setup individually), and then you can have the squares sewn together to make a quilt with all the names of your guests that attended your wedding!  Wonderful keepsake, no? 

P.S. - Tuesday Shoesday coming up shortly!

~ Ciao

...image via cluck cluck sew


  1. Ooo being a pattern girl I love the idea of using mis-matched patterns for this!!

  2. This would be a fabulous keepsake! I just finished my first quilt and it was HELL! So tedious but I did love how it turned out!

  3. your idea for having the napkins match the pattern is GENIUS and i love the keepsake idea too!!
