

~ who says ~ can't say love with charges?
Sunday Sweetness
A little chalkboard painted on the inside, and some chalk and you have a fabulous homemade DIY!  Don't you just L-O-V-E it?  Oh how cute would it be to spell out Mr. & Mrs., or with your last name spelled out!  As always, so many options ;-)

P.S. - Julia from Kentucky Bride Magazine (found online: and on twitter:  @kybridemag) was so sweet to alert me that this was from their winter shoot after seeing my tweet!  The whole shoot is fantabulous, and a must see!!!  You can get a copy of the magazine, and this gorgeous shoot right here.

~ Ciao by elizabeth messina via kiss the groom


  1. adorable idea, the photos are too cute!

  2. i love this idea! i am kind of obsessed lately with chalk and how to use it for weddings..this is just so cute!

  3. it's amazing how a little chalkboard paint can transform a basic charger into a special keepsake.
