

~ flowers of the week: 7.19.10 ~

Happy Monday morning my dears.  Did everyone have a lovely weekend?  Mine, you ask?  Amazing, thank you!  You see, it was my birthday on Saturday, and it was perfect.  A homemade breakfast brunch, shopping, a Nikon D90 (hello fabulous, amazing camera that I've been pining for), a casual dinner and cards with family...just what I wanted!  Since I am not feeling any older, I am in a bright and sunny mood this morning.  And I thought it would be nice to share this with you...with this bouquet...
Just makes you smile doesn't it? 

~ Ciao

...image via 100 layer cake


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Kristi!!I had no idea it was your birthday!!!!!
    PS: Love that bouquet!!

  2. aww glad to hear you had a great bday!! and that bouquet is did put a smile on my face...thanks i needed that today :)

  3. I LOVE yellow bouquets. Not sure why as I'm not overly keen on the colour in general. Maybe as it looks like an explosion of light when it's in a bouquet.
