Here's a great non-alcoholic option for the cocktail hour...
Refreshing and pretty - I'm all in! And you know me and the glasses it's served in, the lavender sprigs in each glass, the white tray that it's served on and the single sprig on the tray...all simple little details that are quite stunning! Add for those of you that like a little more kick in your cocktail you can always add a splash of vodka! You can get the recipe here. Cheers!
~ Ciao
...image via sunday suppers
This is perfection in my mind. Beautiful. Practical. Easy to do. And I'm sure they are delicious! Great idea!
ReplyDeleteErin - Agree and thanks! And I also love the fact that you can make them casual by serving in mason jars or fancy in stemmed glasses liek above. Gotta love the versatility.
pure the lavender