

~ tuesday thought: serve in style ~

I just L-O-V-E this picture...
A vintage serving tray with chippy paint and the bright white coffee cups - love the contrast of old and new!
Makes for such a pretty presentation don't you think? 

So here is your Tuesday Thought:  Find some vintage (if that's your style...if not others that are more new lacquered ones for a more modern theme, or make some using old wooden boards for a rustic theme) serving trays to have your caterer's use for drinks, food and dessert instead of the standard old brown or black plastic with a cork top that they so often seem to use.  One of the little details that I am sure will certainly be noticed!  I just love, love, love this idea!!! 

~ Ciao

...image via sunday suppers & photography karen mordechai


  1. what a GREAT photo! I LOVE that chipped up tray, and I am a huge fan of mixing vintage and meaning with new. What a smart idea with trays for the reception, girl! :)

  2. YES!! Great photo and GREAT idea Kristi!!! that is why i love to stop by every day ;))
